Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT shave my leg this week only to realize when I was putting lotion on that I didn't shave the other leg...

I did NOT just give up potty training when I realized that we are going to be on an 8-hour car ride this week and would not have time to stop every 45 minutes to let Evan pee...

I did NOT go out and buy a jumbo box of diapers the DAY AFTER I just bought a bunch of big-boy-underwear... goodness no!

I did NOT kill a cactus that I was plant-sitting because I over watered it - especially since I have NOT been forgetting to water all my plants and maybe thought I wasn't watering it enough...

And I ABSOLUTELY did NOT scrape up the side of our brand new van and put a dent in our other vehicle because I didn't even bother looking behind me backing out of the garage one day...

Nope, I couldn't have done any of those things...

But I DID take a super-cute picture of my children that I can't wait to share!!


Excellent Parent said...

LOL, love the buying diapers after big boy undies! old habits are hard to breack! And only shaving one leg! Love it!

Anonymous said...

You are right, super cute picture.

Sharie said...

What a cute creative picture!!

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