Everyone but Evan got the flu for Christmas this year, so we are just now getting ourselves out of the haze of having the ickies, and we're feeling a little better...
Wish I could say I can't relate, but unfortunately the passing of the Christmas flu was a common occurrence in our home. Once one child got it it would just take it's turn going from person to person. I won't tell you how many years we had the curse of the Christmas flu. Really glad you are through it. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. (In other words in the years to come you will think "oh it's just the flu, been there done that.") Sure makes you appreciate your Mom doesn't it.
Glad you're out of the ickies. Evan must have a strong immunity system! Hope the dreaded 'cabin fever' won't hit your family for awhile...!
Wish I could say I can't relate, but unfortunately the passing of the Christmas flu was a common occurrence in our home. Once one child got it it would just take it's turn going from person to person. I won't tell you how many years we had the curse of the Christmas flu. Really glad you are through it. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. (In other words in the years to come you will think "oh it's just the flu, been there done that.") Sure makes you appreciate your Mom doesn't it.
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