Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10 on 2sday

1.  This weather lately has been CUH-RAY-ZAY!  I can't believe the gorgeous weather we've had!  Dan told me I jinxed it though a few weeks ago by trying the girls' snow pants on... but aren't my little pink & purple marshmallows so cute!?!?!


2.  Speaking of crazy weather, last week we had some ridiculously windy weather, case in point ~ it blew our fence to the ground!! Yikes!


3.  Even though the weather has been gorgeous lately, our mornings have been quite chilly - I said last week I was gearing up to run in the morning when the temperature was in the 20's.  Did it, never thought I'd do it, and I'm really glad I have a running partner to keep me accountable!

4.  The weather has been nice, but not nice enough to warrant Evan asking me when swim lessons start again... it's going to be a long winter if he keeps asking...

5.  We got rid of cable a couple weeks ago.  I have to admit I was nervous about it, but so far ~ I'm pretty glad it's gone.

6. Evan asked me to define the word "already."  I attempted to define it, and I really couldn't off the top of my head.  Mostly because I had to use the word itself in the definition.  Luckily by the time I finished my explanation, he had moved on to a different topic. 

7. There was a story about this picture, although I don't remember what it was...


8.  A very important woman in my life is celebrating a milestone birthday TODAY... and I get to see her VERY soon!  (Happy Birthday, Grandma :)

8.  In order to visit this very important woman, we will be loading up our family of 5 and hopping in a plane... The logistics of getting 3 small children packed, and into a airplane is going to be tricky, but SO worth it...

10.  I keep thinking to myself, once I get to this point... things will slow down.  And they don't.  Then I think, once I get to this point... things will slow down.  And they don't.  Then I think, once I get to THIS point... things will slow down.  And they don't.  Noticing a pattern here?  Given the fast pace of life right now, I'm feeling pretty happy that I got a 10 on 2sday post done today! 

Hope your November is off to a GREAT start!

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