2. Last time I took the girls shopping with me, it wasn't until I came home and was emptying out the shopping bags that I realized Avery must have thrown the loufa that I attempted to buy, out of the cart somewhere along the aisles of wally mart. whoops! That would be reason number 3 thousand 1 hundred and twenty2 that I don't like taking kids shopping with me.
3. Today is the last day that I don't consider myself "in my 30's". I figure the year you turn 30 is just a trial run, (right?) but as of tomorrow, I officially have to say I'm in my 30's. *sigh*
4. I finally had an "aha!" moment several weeks ago when it occurred to me that we are on the downhill slope towards Evan entering kindergarten. I've never really had much one-on-one time with him, so my 'aha' is that I'm going to start putting the girls in daycare every 2-3 weeks on days that Evan has preschool. It will give me a couple hours in the morning to get some errands done without kids (see #2), and when I pick Evan up, we get to go somewhere special for lunch. Just the 2 of us. Kind of along the lines of my epiphany... I don't want to get Evan into school and look back and regret not spending more one-on-one time with him while I could. He's a pretty neat little 4 year old, and that can get lost in the chaos of 3 small children.
5. Last week I got to experience, and be extremely thankful for, one of the fringe benefits of being a stay-at-home-mom of small children who aren't in school yet.... I didn't have to leave the house. Because who wants to go out of the house when it's -15 outside???
6. The girls discovered a new way to dismantle their room ~ and I suspect they are also using this new-found discovery of a bed that is light enough to move, as a way to jump from Brynn's bed to Avery's bed, just because they can... (oh, and to try and reach what's on top of their dresser...)
7. I gave Avery buttered popcorn last week. Butter. Which is a milk product. Which she is allergic to. On purpose. The ingredient was listed as "non-fat dry milk," and that's one of the ingredients my Sister-in-Law tried for my niece who is (anaphylactic-type) allergic to milk, and she did fine. So I figured it's time to start testing some of these ingredients to see how Avery handles it. She did fine!! I'm not going to push it and overwhelm her system, but I am ready to slowly start working some of the foods back into her diet... wish us luck!
8. Remember my strange-fact-I'm-sure-you-wanted-to-know about sometimes mis-typing my name as Loir? Apparently I'm not the only one...
9. Sometimes we have crazy hair when we wake up from our naps... and by "we", I mean Avery & Brynn, since I never
10. I wish my brain would let me take a nap some days... like, maybe today...
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