Thursday, February 24, 2011

to the potty we go...

This is how we spent the better part of our morning while Evan was in preschool...

...just hanging out...

...which is a big step for Brynn since she hasn't really cared for the 'big girl potty' until recently.  And they fought... at one point they both tried to sit on the big toilet at the same time.  

Brynn was very proud of herself that she could get on and off the potty all by herself.  And then she peed.  Unfortunately it was during one of the times she was off the potty...

Then Avery peed... in the little potty, and when I was all excited and giving her praise, she started freaking out... a little like she did with the candles on her birthday cupcake... except this time she had the freedom to get up and run away...

I am NOT ready to potty train, I repeat... NOT READY!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's not often I get a picture of all three of the kids looking at the camera, with none of them screaming...  still not smiling, but I'll take it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super Brynn...

One of our favorite IPTV shows is Super Why... the part at the beginning when all the super readers put their arms in... yeah, we all come together and put our arms in right along with them!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yoshi wanted to be a part of our little photo session last week too...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the Drawers

I mentioned a while back that I had to move the dresser around in Brynn & Avery's room in an attempt to minimize the destruction.

Well, it was driving me crazy that I couldn't use all that glorious drawer space since the drawers were facing the wall.  So I finally decided to tempt fate and turn the dresser around not too long ago.  I still didn't put much in the drawers... some summer clothes, spare wipes that are sealed shut, stuff like that.

No surprise, they routinely yank all that stuff out and throw it around their room.

The dresser isn't exactly fully functional anyway.  During their destructive period they used the dresser as a ladder and broke one of the drawers.  Since I had the drawers turned around, we didn't get into any hurry to fix it... out of sight, out of mind.


...turns out maybe we should fix the drawer:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

10 on 2sday

1.  I spent the weekend in Des Moines at a photography convention... AWESOME!  It's impossible not to be inspired... even a little... when you are surrounded by so many amazing photographers!  My challenge will be prioritizing all the things I NEED to do... 'cause leaving there with so many ideas makes you feel like you NEED to do everything!!

2.  I took a nap.  The sessions ran all the way to midnight and beyond on Sunday night, and I had to get back early on Monday morning so Dan could get to work... 4 hours of sleep gave me 'permission' to take a nap on Monday.

3.  I'll give you my nap timeline:
12:48pm - laid down
1:00pm - heard the girls yelling, got up to check on them
1:38pm - heard the doorbell ring, got up to check it out
2:00pm - must have drifted off 'cause I woke up suddenly out of a bizarre dream
3:00pm - Woke up to the sound of Evan yelling... "I pooooooooooooooooooooooooooped"

4.  And that would be why I rarely bother taking naps...

5.  The cupcakes I made for Avery & Brynn's birthday were purdy darn good!  I used a Duncan Hines cake mix that had no milk ingredients in it, and a Pillsbury tub of frosting that also had no milk products... (didn't even realize that existed!)  the cake called for 3 eggs, but I substituted 2 Tbls of applesauce & 4 Tbls of soy milk... and it turned out surprisingly well!  They did fall apart a little (that where the eggs normally come in).  Then I came across this site that said you can substitute flax seed  for eggs... I haven't tried it yet, but plan to...

6.  After the girls' birthday, Dan and I spent some sentimental time looking through my old blog posts.  Makes me really glad I blog... there were so many little moments and silly things that I would have forgotten had I not written them down.  And I'm glad you read my blog, because it keeps me motivated to write all those little things here!

7.  I had a random moment over the weekend when I realized... the girls just had their golden birthday!  They turned 2 on 2/2!!!!  And I didn't even put that together until it was done and gone!  But it made me wonder... what are you supposed to do for a golden birthday?  (I'm really asking...)

8.  Evan told me his first knock knock joke today.  It went something like this:

Evan: knock-knock
Me: who's there?
Evan: Evan

I didn't even know he knew knock-knock jokes...

9.  I'm really glad my friend Katie posted pictures of her kids playing with snow... inside!  Gave me the motivation to actually do it with my kiddos!  Evan has been asking quite a bit to go play in the snow, but it's been waaaaaaaay too cold for my taste... so I brought the snow inside, and the kids LOVED it!  They mostly did a good job keeping it on the vinyl table cloth I laid out.  But really, it's just going to melt and dry eventually anyway, so I set aside my anal-everything-has-to-be-clean-and-tidy (ha!) tendencies for a little bit...

BONUS!  The snow packed onto the bottom of the girls' boots and it turned into a skating rink!!

and of course... Avery still didn't want to wear gloves...

10.  The girls have quickly realized that when I pull out the vinyl table cloth, something fun is about to happen!  And I dared go somewhere I have never gone before... paint... dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnn... lets talk about my anal tendencies again...


I survived... the girls had fun... even when Brynn started painting on Avery... I had the bath ready and waiting!

...on a side note... attempting to make heart shapes with thumbs dipped in paint... not simple... they don't look so much like hearts as they do red blobs...

Friday, February 4, 2011

My little GQ man...

This quickly turned into one of my favorite pictures of Evan... spaced out look and all.  He is such a handsome little man (yes, I'm totally biased... but I'm supposed to be!)

Evan thinks this is his "silly hair" ~ whenever we "try" to take pictures, we usually put a little gel in and try to "do" something with it... he thinks it's silly.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The birthday girls...

Guess what we did today?

We turned TWO!!!!

 Mommy says we aren't supposed to grow up so fast... but we don't listen.  I mean, really, we have to grow into our new tricycles and all!!

And we really want to be able to help daddy clear the snow someday...

heh, heh... just kidding... we'll let Evan do that...

Mommy also says we need to work on sharing... see... we can do that!!

My Mommy tells me that I have a big heart, and I'm kind of a momma's girl ~ and I totally agree, I'm always trying to be her helper.  Sometimes I like to hang out by myself with my nose in a book.  I really like to sing and dance, and my Mommy thinks my fake laugh is adorable.  Mommy puts me in a big girl bed at night, but I usually just sleep on the floor behind the door.  Who likes sleeping where they are supposed to anyway?  Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to "use your words," and it kind of makes me mad when they do, but I sure have been trying!!  I use my manners really well and say peez & tank-uuu all the time!  I like to push buttons too.... mommy says the literal and figurative kind, but I don't really know what that means.  I really like to color, especially when Mommy leaves her planner and a pen within my reach!  Goldmine!!  Mommy says I have a really good pincher grasp, I guess since I was first given a crayon or something ~ and she can always tell my coloring from Evan & Avery's.  I'm pretty laid back, like Daddy, and I don't talk much unless I have a reason to, and Mommy seems to think I have a bit of a temper... not sure if I agree or not.  But I do know I'm loved a lot... but really, could you resist this face?

They gave me a really neat cupcake tonight for my birthday, and I figured out how to blow out the candle!

Well I like to be a little mischievous, although I usually feel bad and end up telling on myself.  Like when I find Mommy's phone where I can reach it, I usually play with it a little bit, then take it straight to Mommy!  I really love Evan & Brynn.  I tell them hi every morning and give them hugs.  I like to repeat everything Evan says, well, anything anyone says for that matter.  I prefer to talk in full sentences, and unless I get into my mumble-everything moods I can usually get what I want if I ask nice enough!  I really like to take baths, and my hair gets really curly when I get out!  I sure hope I grow out of my food allergies some day... I've been noticing everyone else eating bananas and cheese and peanuts and I really want some of that too!!  Mommy says I'm the most determined child she knows.  She's right.  If I don't get what I want the first time, I just wait for the right moment when Mommy isn't paying attention.  And I get it.  I really like to jump and tumble.  Mommy says I do things with GUSTO ~ like when she goes to change my stinky diaper, I like to jump over to her and plop right on my bottom! My mommy is always sticking a camera in my face, she thinks it's hard to get me to smile for her... but I don't think so... well, maybe a little!

They also stuck a cupcake in my face tonight and I really didn't like the fire... but once they got rid of those things, I sure liked to eat it!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10 on 2sday

1.  Sorry that I'm so generic at the end/beginning of each month... but it's not right that it's February already.  As ready as I am for spring to bring warm weather... I'm not ready for time to fly by so quickly!  Although the winter storm we are in the middle of right now is making me re-think that statement!

2.  I'm sure you are dying to know if I managed to take a nap last week... RiIIIIiiight... no.  I did not.

3.  Today is the last day I will ever have a one year old.  (well, 2 one year olds, but you get what I mean...)

4.  I SWEAR that right before I grabbed my phone to take this picture... Evan & Brynn were actually cuddling.  It was quite possibly the sweetest moment a mother can experience.  Even if it did only last for about 3 minutes. 

5.  Speaking of sweet moments.  Last week Evan and I had our lunch date, and when I told Evan about it earlier in the week he asked if we could bring along his sisters.  Melt my heart.  But.... no.

6.  We went to an indoor waterpark over the weekend with Dan's family ~ we have 7 winter birthdays from December to February ~ so we did a little celebration for everyone.  Awesome!  The kids had so much fun, and so did Dan and I for that matter ~ all three kiddos went crazy for the water slides!!

7.  I had to attempt a picture of me and the birthday girls during our weekend getaway... AAaaand... this is what we get:

(which is better than nothing... at least I show up in some pictures...)

8.  Our best attempt at a family picture:

(we had popped in a movie, which was right behind my SIL who was taking the picture... you can see where my girls' priorities fall... I'm just happy they weren't screaming!)

9.  The craziest part of our waterpark weekend was letting Evan go off on his own.  He never wandered far, but since Dan and I had to stick close to the girls (and take them down the slide 6-hundred times) he was mostly exploring by himself.  It was weird for me.  Especially as we get closer to sending him to kindergarten.

10.  Speaking of kindergarten.  I called the school last week to update the kids' information and make sure Evan is on the list to get info about kindergarten round up.  When I hung up the phone... I cried.
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