I normally don't do resolutions at the New Year... they're made to be broken, yada yada yada... like my cookbook resolution (the last one I made... and broke).
For whatever reason I've decided on a few resolutions (goals) for this upcoming year...
1. I'd like to waste less food. When I was doing my cookbook resolution, I was doing an AWESOME job with meal planning - it was flexible, well thought out, and utilized the small kitchen space we had in our old house. When we discovered Avery's food allergies, the meal plan went out the window, and so did my resolution. Now, almost three years later I'm just barely getting back to a meal plan (it's really spotty) - but I feel like if I can plan it out better, I won't find food spoiling before I get to it. I just feel so wasteful when I throw out perfectly good food.
2. Blog more - I'm sure my family agrees... If you look at the 'blog archive' on the right side of the page, you can see how my blogging has dwindled...
3. Read more - I have always loved reading, but as any parent knows, it's not always easy to find QUIET time to read other than the books I read to the kids - I need to make a conscious effort to read for myself!
4. I want to spend more time working on my OWN pictures. I feel like such a picture hoard. Friends and family think it's great that I take so many pictures, but they NEVER see any of them because they get lost in the abyss that is my time warp... and I always feel like my pictures have to be edited and 'perfect' before I show them to anyone. So, I either need to suck it up and not worry about them being 'perfect' when I send them out, or I need to do a better job of allocating time to edit them. (I chose the latter)
Here is an example: I took this picture of Evan in February 2012... I hadn't even looked at it until last week...
5. Print my stinkin' pictures and put them in any kind of album... I was so good at that before the girls were born... and then they were born. Avery and I were looking through Evan's photo album from his 1st year and she kept asking which picture was of her... when my answer continued to be that's not you, that's Evan, she started to cry. Then I started to cry. I need to print some stinkin' pictures of the girls and put them in any kind of album. (see #4, these work hand-in-hand)