Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Warp Speed

Time isn't just going fast, it's going in warp speed right now.

I'm sure people I talk to are sick of hearing me say how I "can't believe how fast time is going."

But really.  I can't.

Half of 2010 is gone.  Gone!

And months like June have been no help ~ me and the kids spent the first week and a half visiting my family in Omaha ~ the photography workshop has been consuming my life (ok, maybe that's a little drastic) ~ I have had 3 for real - for practice photo shoots (another sneak peek was posted today) ~ I assisted photographing another wedding ~ Evan and I took a little weekend road trip to St. Louis ~ Evan did a week-long summer camp (a couple hrs each day) ~ plus all the odds and ends and in-betweens ~ and life is just not stopping.

{By-the-way, I have TONS of pictures I want to post from all the above listed events, and much more, I just have been so consumed with all the goings-on that I haven't had a chance...}

Having such busy times in our lives makes me stop and think - am I focusing my time and energy on the right things?  Should life be so busy right now?  Is life ever NOT going to be so busy?

And I really don't know the answer.

I just know that I am extremely grateful that I get to stay home with my kids ~ because I wouldn't have these opportunities to do what I get to do with them, or do what I'm doing for myself. 

The End.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

And you thought there was only a Brynn grin...

...Avery is here to prove you wrong!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

never a dull moment!

These are the types of fights I get to break up...

Friday, June 18, 2010


Today especially,
for reasons I need not share...
I feel totally blessed
to have people that care.

My family is happy and healthy.
And I could not ask for more.

With all the crap going on in the world around us...
...I'm trying especially hard to let go of the petty things,
and enjoy what I have and who I have it with,
...and realize that it could be a whole lot worse.
                  But it's not.

And I feel undeservedly blessed.

Everything happens for a reason...
call it fate, call it coincidence, call it a God wink
...and we may never know the reason.
But in all our circumstances if we look for the positive,
we are bound to find it.
If we look for the negative,
we are sure to find it.

Thanks for listening to my babblings...
just some of the billion things going through my head...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the pieces in my brain...

I have about a billion thoughts running through my mind lately that has made my brain complete mush.  I'm a little afraid that if I try to type too much it's not going to come out coherently, but I did want to share something...

When I was in Omaha last week visiting my family, I had a chance to do a couple 'for real - for practice' photo shoots!!  Yay!  I started a new blog that would be a "sneak peek" area, and I'd love for you to check it out!  I was so happy with how the shots turned out! 

The photography workshop is going great!  We are just gearing up to start week 3, and I've got to say, this workshop couldn't have come at a more perfect time!  It's like this huge puzzle that is photography, has a million pieces, and the workshop is making a lot of the pieces fit together for me ~ it's been awesome!

Friday, June 11, 2010

This was a must share...

I was trying really hard to get Evan to have his entire face inside the frame of the trellis, but that just didn't happen.  And when I came home and saw this picture... I just had to chuckle to myself.

Evan is constantly talking.  I'm guessing when he gets older and we start to play the who-can-stay-quiet-the-longest-game... he will probably lose.

Which is why this picture appealed to me so much.  His mouth is covered.  And his mouth was in motion.  And if you look at his chin you can see it dimpled from the fact he was talking...  and talking... and talking... 

I love this kid.  He makes me smile!

Monday, June 7, 2010

One of these things don't belong...

...any guesses?

Let's just hope they never get my keys!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's the...

...Brynn grin!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My little man is growing up...

My little man graduated preschool.  Well, sort of.  He still has another year before kindergarten, but there was still a really cute ceremony last week on his last day of school!

Evan was the only one that didn't want to sing... first.

Around the time itsy bitsy spider was up, he was ready to sing along.

And when he got his diploma he was beaming.  (Hey, Mom - take note that he is NOT crying because he has to wear a hat... :)

And so were we...

Funny moment of the day, Evan was asked where his sisters were and he responded "in the van." (Only funny because they weren't actually in the van.) That's just the last place he remembered seeing them.  We took them to a daycare in town so we could have some much needed Mommy, Daddy and Evan time - which may also have included some ice cream and a trip to the park!

And lastly, I stumbled on this gift idea for Evan's teacher...

...bottled water with a packet of tea tied to it, and a bag with smores ingredients! So easy, SO cute! I love creative people who are willing to share!

Here are the links for the printables if you are interested:
S'more teachers
TEA-rrific teacher
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